caiyu 发表于 2020-5-19 23:00:21


乐呵乐呵吧 发表于 2020-5-20 00:08:40


jacksun1985 发表于 2020-5-20 02:13:17


睿香可人 发表于 2020-5-20 05:00:16


xiaoyaojin111 发表于 2020-5-20 06:36:45


cmx 发表于 2020-5-20 07:17:41

好指標 ! ~~~~~~~

ydpydp 发表于 2020-5-28 10:37:40


用户名122 发表于 2020-5-28 11:02:30


郁闷小甜甜 发表于 2020-6-30 17:28:29

没看完~~~~~~ 先顶,好同志

ltlttl 发表于 2020-6-30 17:47:01

Ok, here the truth base on my opinion after try. That indicator is good to spot good buy and sell, But sometimes it will place more than one arrow consecutively in the same direction, but they are a good trade and the arrows are definitively paint and repaint, NO DOUGH! When you trade you will all the arrow place by the trading indicator and when you are logging out your MT4 and re-log only the best arrow will remain, the good side is that the arrow that remains was there during the trading, but my 3 stars are because repainting the chart to make thing look better than it is to make more people download your indicator, not honest in my opinion. I don't like that!
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查看完整版本: 推荐一个很好的箭头指标