Forex Profit Heaper system
本帖最后由 土豆1 于 2018-9-2 20:25 编辑First indicator is FPH_Meter. Applied on main chart which will do main inpact for you to take trades as it will show you strongest and weakest currencies.
Second indicator FPH_Bars. It is developed on RSI indicator overboughtand oversould levels.
The third indicator is FPH_Line. This indicator is applied on main chart. Built on ADX will show trend direction change. It has alert function!
The 4th. Indicator is FPH_HistoBars. Will work along to confirm trades with alert function.
The 5th. Indicator is FPH_Filter. Is built on momentum will draw you a picture of trend current power. With full alert package.
The 6th. Indicator is FPH_Oscilator. Is another confirmation indicator with full alert package.
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