MeatEditcr里面编写不出来啊 显示一堆错误有没有大佬来看看哪错了
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
// Stiffness Indicator script may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
study("Stiffness Indicator", shorttitle="Stiffness")
maLength = input(title="Moving Average Length", minval=1, defval=100)
stiffLength = input(title="Stiffness Length", minval=1, defval=60)
stiffSmooth = input(title="Stiffness Smoothing Length", minval=1, defval=3)
threshold = input(title="Threshold", minval=1, defval=90)
highlightThresholdCrossovers = input(title="Highlight Threshold Crossovers ?", type=bool, defval=false)
bound = sma(close, maLength) - 0.2 * stdev(close, maLength)
sumAbove = sum(close > bound ? 1 : 0, stiffLength)
stiffness = ema(sumAbove * 100 / stiffLength, stiffSmooth)
transparent = color(white, 100)
bgColor = highlightThresholdCrossovers ? (stiffness > threshold ? #0ebb23 : red) : transparent
bgcolor(bgColor, transp=90)
plot(stiffness, title="Stiffness", style=histogram, color=#f5c75e, transp=0)
plot(threshold, title="Threshold", color=red, transp=0)
你这个是tradingview上的代码,MT4上不能用,你可以找人编写 时政与人 发表于 2021-8-11 09:41
好的 谢谢