本帖最后由 张玲 于 2024-5-21 09:09 编辑源码保存后 并不能正常加载出来 以下是源码 ,求编辑后 把源码发上来
//| MiniSinyal_v1_1.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link "http://www.metaquotes.net"
#property indicator_chart_window//indicator_separate_window
extern string Window_Settings = "--------------------------";
extern int Jendela = 0; //0=Main Chart
extern int Pojok = 1; //0=Left Top; 1=Right Top; 2=Left Bottom; 3= Right Bottom
extern int jX = 0;
extern int jY = 0;
extern string BuySeLL_Settings1 = "--------------------------";
extern int TF1 = 30;
extern int TF2 = 15;
extern int TF3 =5;
extern string BuySeLL_Settings2 = "--------------------------";
extern int MAFastPeriod = 2;
extern int MAFastMethod = 3;
extern int MAFastApply_To = 0;
extern int MAFastShift = 0;
extern string BuySeLL_Settings3 = "--------------------------";
extern int MASlowPeriod = 4;
extern int MASlowMethod = 3;
extern int MASlowApply_To = 1;
extern int MASlowShift = 0;
extern string TRend_Settings1 = "--------------------------";
extern int tMAFastPeriod = 1;
extern int tMAFastMethod = 0;
extern int tMAFastApply_To = 0;
extern int tMAFastShift = 0;
extern string TRend_Settings2 = "--------------------------";
extern int tMASlowPeriod = 20;
extern int tMASlowMethod = 0;
extern int tMASlowApply_To = 0;
extern int tMASlowShift = 0;
extern string Display_Settings= "--------------------------";
//extern color LegendColor = SteelBlue;
extern color Color_Up = LimeGreen;
extern color Color_Dn = OrangeRed;
extern color NeutralColor = Gainsboro;
extern color Info_Color = Gainsboro;
extern color TP1_color = ForestGreen;
extern color TP2_color = DodgerBlue;
extern color TP3_color = OrangeRed;
string CandleUp = "n"; // pakai font "Wingdings"
string CandleDn = "n"; // pakai font "Wingdings"
string CandleNt = "ª"; // pakai font "Wingdings"
string CrossUp= "p"; // pakai font "Wingdings 3"
string CrossDn= "q"; // pakai font "Wingdings 3"
// --- variabel Daily_Av --------------------------------------------+
int R1, R5, R10, R20, RAvg, n, i;
string Teks_ReRata = "", Teks_Rerata_Kemarin ="";
colorwarna_ReRata, WarnaTeks;
// Variable
double vA, vB, vC, vD, LastHigh, LastLow, x, hrg, sprd;
double TP1, TP2, TP3, Periode;
int TF, posX, posY, tpX, tpY;
string Price, BSstatus, BSstatus1, BSstatus2, BSstatus3, Teks_Menit, Teks_Detik, Sisa_Waktu, Ket;
string OpenStatus="", tPeriode="";
string CandleSymbol, TrendSymbol, UpSymbol="p",DnSymbol="q", NtSymbol="«";
colorBS_Color, TR_color, CandleColor, TextColor;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
//---- indicators
jX=jX+16; tpX=jX;
jY=jY+24; tpY=jY;
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
for(int i = ObjectsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string label = ObjectName(i);
if(StringSubstr(label, 0, 3) != "MS_")
for(int z = ObjectsTotal() - 1; z >= 0; z--)
string anu = ObjectName(z);
if(StringSubstr(anu, 0, 4) != "TPMS")
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
//int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
//---- Name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
int limit, i;
//---- Indicator Calculation ----
if(counted_bars == 0)
x = Period();
if(x > 240)
if(counted_bars < 0)
//---- last counted bar will be recounted
// if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
limit = (Bars - counted_bars) - 1;
// -------------------
// --- AWAL AWAS ---
// -------------------
for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
if(High > LastHigh)
LastHigh = High;
if(Low < LastLow)
if(TimeDay(Time) != TimeDay(Time))
LastLow = Open;
LastHigh = Open;
//---- Pivot Setup ----
double rates,yesterday_volume,yesterday_close,yesterday_high,yesterday_low,yesterday_open;
ArrayCopyRates(rates, Symbol(), PERIOD_D1);
if(DayOfWeek() == 1)
if(TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,1)) == 5)
yesterday_volume = rates;
yesterday_close = rates;
yesterday_high = rates;
yesterday_low = rates;
yesterday_open = rates;
for(int d = 5;d>=0;d--)
if(TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,d)) == 5)
yesterday_volume = rates;
yesterday_close = rates;
yesterday_high = rates;
yesterday_low = rates;
yesterday_open = rates;
yesterday_close = rates;
yesterday_high = rates;
yesterday_low = rates;
yesterday_open = rates;
//---- Calculate Pivots ----
double R = yesterday_high - yesterday_low;//range
double p = (yesterday_high + yesterday_low + yesterday_close)/3;// Standard Pivot
double r3 = (2*p)+(yesterday_high-(2*yesterday_low));// Resistance 3
double r2 = p+(yesterday_high - yesterday_low);// Resistance point 2
double r1 = (2*p)-yesterday_low;// Resistance point 1
double s1 = (2*p)-yesterday_high;// Support point 1
double s2 = p-(yesterday_high - yesterday_low);// Support point 2
double s3 = (2*p)-((2* yesterday_high)-yesterday_low);// Support point 3
double m0 = (s2 + s3)/2;
double m1 = (s1 + s2)/2;
double m2 = (p + s1)/2;
double m3 = (p + r1)/2;
double m4 = (r1 + r2)/2;
double m5 = (r2 + r3)/2;
} // end for
vA = iMA(Symbol(), TF1, MAFastPeriod, MAFastShift, MAFastMethod, MAFastApply_To, 0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TF1, MASlowPeriod, MASlowShift, MASlowMethod, MASlowApply_To, 0);
if (vA>vB)
{ BSstatus1="BUY" ;}
else { BSstatus1="SELL" ;}
vA = iMA(Symbol(), TF2, MAFastPeriod, MAFastShift, MAFastMethod, MAFastApply_To, 0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TF2, MASlowPeriod, MASlowShift, MASlowMethod, MASlowApply_To, 0);
if (vA>vB)
{ BSstatus2="BUY" ;}
else { BSstatus2="SELL" ;}
vA = iMA(Symbol(), TF3, MAFastPeriod, MAFastShift, MAFastMethod, MAFastApply_To, 0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TF3, MASlowPeriod, MASlowShift, MASlowMethod, MASlowApply_To, 0);
if (vA>vB)
{ BSstatus3="BUY" ;}
else { BSstatus3="SELL" ;}
if (BSstatus1=="BUY" && BSstatus2=="BUY" && BSstatus3=="BUY") {BSstatus="BUY"; BS_Color=Color_Up;}
else if (BSstatus1=="SELL" && BSstatus2=="SELL" && BSstatus3=="SELL") {BSstatus="SELL"; BS_Color=Color_Dn;}
else {BSstatus="NO TRADE"; BS_Color=NeutralColor;}
OpenStatus=BSstatus; // digunakan pada bagian targeting
Write("PairName", Jendela, Pojok, jX, jY, Symbol(), 14, "Arial Bold", BS_Color);
vA = iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
Write("Price", Jendela, Pojok, jX+10, jY+14, Price, 14, "Arial Bold", BS_Color);
Write("Dist_toHi", Jendela, Pojok, jX+52, jY-10, DoubleToStr((vA-vB)/Point,0), 9, "Arial Bold", Info_Color);
Write("Dist_toLo", Jendela, Pojok, jX+54, jY+30, DoubleToStr((vA-vC)/Point,0), 9, "Arial Bold", Info_Color);
Write("HiLo", Jendela, Pojok, jX+1, jY+30, DoubleToStr((vB-vC)/Point,0), 9, "Arial Bold", Info_Color);
//--- Daily Av ---
R1=0; R5=0; R10=0; R20=0; RAvg=0; i=0;
R1 =(iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1))/Point;
R5= R5+ (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R10 = R10 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R20 = R20 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R5 = R5/5;
R10 = R10/10;
R20 = R20/20;
Teks_ReRata = (DoubleToStr(RAvg,Digits-4));
Teks_Rerata_Kemarin = (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1))/Point;
//if (Teks_ReRata > Teks_Rerata_Kemarin) {warna_ReRata = Daily_Av_Up_Color;}
// else {warna_ReRata = Daily_Av_Dn_Color;}
Write("DAV", Jendela, Pojok, jX+1, jY-10, Teks_ReRata, 9, "Arial Bold", Info_Color);
//--- Time for Next Candle ---
vB = (Time-Time)-MathMod(CurTime(),Time-Time);
vA = vB/60;
vB = (vA-MathFloor(vA))*60;
vA = MathFloor(vA);
Teks_Menit = DoubleToStr(vA,0);
Teks_Detik = DoubleToStr(vB,0);
Write("TimeForNextCandle", Jendela, Pojok, jX+44, jY+41, Sisa_Waktu, 9, "Arial Bold", Info_Color);
Write("Spread", Jendela, Pojok, jX+1, jY+41, DoubleToStr((Ask - Bid)/Point, Digits-4), 9, "Arial Bold", Info_Color);
Write("Lin1", Jendela, Pojok, jX+00, jY+56, "____________", 7, "Verdana", Info_Color);
while (n<=7)
switch (n)
case 1: TF = 1440;posX=jX+58; posY=jY+78; Ket="D1"; break;
case 2: TF =240;posX=jX+58; posY=jY+90; Ket="H4"; break;
case 3: TF = 60;posX=jX+58; posY=jY+102;Ket="H1"; break;
case 4: TF = 30;posX=jX+50; posY=jY+126;Ket="M30"; break;
case 5: TF = 15;posX=jX+50; posY=jY+138;Ket="M15"; break;
case 6: TF = 5;posX=jX+57; posY=jY+150;Ket="M5";break;
case 7: TF = 1;posX=jX+57; posY=jY+162;Ket="M1";break;
vA = iMA(Symbol(), TF, MAFastPeriod, MAFastShift, MAFastMethod, MAFastApply_To, 0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TF, MASlowPeriod, MASlowShift, MASlowMethod, MASlowApply_To, 0);
if (vA>vB) {BS_Color=Color_Up;}
else if (vA<vB) {BS_Color=Color_Dn;}
else {BS_Color=NeutralColor;}
Write("BuySeLL_"+Ket, Jendela, Pojok, posX, posY, Ket, 9, "Arial Bold", BS_Color);
vA = iMA(Symbol(), TF, tMAFastPeriod, tMAFastShift, tMAFastMethod, tMAFastApply_To, 0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TF, tMASlowPeriod, tMASlowShift, tMASlowMethod, tMASlowApply_To, 0);
if (vA>vB) {TrendSymbol=UpSymbol; TR_color=Color_Up;}
else if (vA<vB) {TrendSymbol=DnSymbol; TR_color=Color_Dn;}
else {TrendSymbol=NtSymbol; TR_color=NeutralColor;}
Write("TRend_"+Ket, Jendela, Pojok, jX+28, posY, TrendSymbol, 9, "Wingdings 3", TR_color);
vC = iClose( NULL , TF, 0) - iOpen( NULL , TF, 0);
if ( vC > 0 )
{ CandleColor = Color_Up;CandleSymbol="n"; }
else if ( vC < 0 ){ CandleColor = Color_Dn; CandleSymbol="n"; }
else { CandleColor = NeutralColor; CandleSymbol="ª"; }
Write(("CandleColor_"+Ket), Jendela, Pojok, jX+1, posY, CandleSymbol, 9, "Wingdings", CandleColor);
} //end while
//Write("Lin2", Jendela, Pojok, jX+00, jY+110, "____________", 7, "Verdana", Info_Color);
Write("Lin2", Jendela, Pojok, jX+00, jY+178, "____________", 7, "Verdana", Info_Color);
// --- TARGETTING ---
sprd=(Ask - Bid);
hrg=iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0); //hrg=price
// Jika status open = BUY
if (OpenStatus=="BUY")
TP1=0; TP2=0; TP3=0;
if (hrg>(r3)) {TP1=r3+(2*sprd); TP2=r3+(3*sprd); TP3=r3+(4*sprd);}
else if (hrg==(r3)) {TP1=r3+(2*sprd); TP2=r3+(3*sprd); TP3=r3+(4*sprd);}
else if ((hrg<r3) && (hrg>m5)) {TP1=r3; TP2=r3+(2*sprd); TP3=r3+(3*sprd);}
else if ((hrg==m5)) {TP1=r3; TP2=r3+(2*sprd); TP3=r3+(3*sprd);}
else if ((hrg<m5) && (hrg>r2)) {TP1=m5; TP2=r3; TP3=r3+(2*sprd);}
else if ((hrg==r2)) {TP1=m5; TP2=r3; TP3=r3+(2*sprd);}
else if ((hrg<r2) && (hrg>m4)) {TP1=r2; TP2=m5; TP3=r3;}
else if ((hrg==m4)) {TP1=r2; TP2=m5; TP3=r3;}
else if ((hrg<m4) && (hrg>r1)) {TP1=m4; TP2=r2; TP3=m5;}
else if ((hrg==r1)) {TP1=m4; TP2=r2; TP3=m5;}
else if ((hrg<r1) && (hrg>m3)) {TP1=r1; TP2=m4; TP3=r2;}
else if ((hrg==m3)) {TP1=r1; TP2=m4; TP3=r2;}
else if ((hrg<m3) && (hrg>p)){TP1=m3; TP2=r1; TP3=m4;}
else if ((hrg==p)) {TP1=m3; TP2=r1; TP3=m4;}
else if ((hrg<p) && (hrg>m2)){TP1=p; TP2=m3; TP3=r1;}
else if ((hrg==m2)) {TP1=p; TP2=m3; TP3=r1;}
else if ((hrg<m2) && (hrg>s1)) {TP1=m2; TP2=p; TP3=m3;}
else if ((hrg==s1)) {TP1=m2; TP2=p; TP3=m3;}
else if ((hrg<s1) && (hrg>m1)) {TP1=s1; TP2=m2; TP3=p;}
else if ((hrg==m1)) {TP1=s1; TP2=m2; TP3=p;}
else if ((hrg<m1) && (hrg>s2)) {TP1=m1; TP2=s1; TP3=m2;}
else if ((hrg==s2)) {TP1=m1; TP2=s1; TP3=m2;}
else if ((hrg<s2) && (hrg>m0)) {TP1=s2; TP2=m1; TP3=s1;}
else if ((hrg==m0)) {TP1=s2; TP2=m1; TP3=s1;}
else if ((hrg<m0) && (hrg>s3)) {TP1=m0; TP2=s2; TP3=m1;}
else if ((hrg==s3)) {TP1=m0; TP2=s2; TP3=m1;}
else if ((hrg<s3)) {TP1=s3; TP2=m0; TP3=s2;}
// Jika status open = SELL
TP1=0; TP2=0; TP3=0;
if (hrg>(r3)) {TP1=r3; TP2=m5; TP3=r2;}
else if (hrg==(r3)) {TP1=m5; TP2=r2; TP3=m4;}
else if ((hrg<r3) && (hrg>m5)) {TP1=m5; TP2=r2; TP3=m4;}
else if ((hrg==m5)) {TP1=r2; TP2=m4; TP3=r1;}
else if ((hrg<m5) && (hrg>r2)) {TP1=r2; TP2=m4; TP3=r1;}
else if ((hrg==r2)) {TP1=m4; TP2=r1; TP3=m3;}
else if ((hrg<r2) && (hrg>m4)) {TP1=m4; TP2=r1; TP3=m3;}
else if ((hrg==m4)) {TP1=r1; TP2=m3; TP3=p;}
else if ((hrg<m4) && (hrg>r1)) {TP1=r1; TP2=m3; TP3=p;}
else if ((hrg==r1)) {TP1=m3; TP2=p; TP3=m2;}
else if ((hrg<r1) && (hrg>m3)) {TP1=m3; TP2=p; TP3=m2;}
else if ((hrg==m3)) {TP1=p; TP2=m2; TP3=s1;}
else if ((hrg<m3) && (hrg>p)){TP1=p; TP2=m2; TP3=s1;}
else if ((hrg==p)) {TP1=m2; TP2=s1; TP3=m1;}
else if ((hrg<p) && (hrg>m2)){TP1=m2; TP2=s1; TP3=m1;}
else if ((hrg==m2)) {TP1=s1; TP2=m1; TP3=s2;}
else if ((hrg<m2) && (hrg>s1)) {TP1=s1; TP2=m1; TP3=s2;}
else if ((hrg==s1)) {TP1=m1; TP2=s2; TP3=m0;}
else if ((hrg<s1) && (hrg>m1)) {TP1=m1; TP2=s2; TP3=m0;}
else if ((hrg==m1)) {TP1=s2; TP2=m0; TP3=s3;}
else if ((hrg<m1) && (hrg>s2)) {TP1=s2; TP2=m0; TP3=s3;}
else if ((hrg==s2)) {TP1=m0; TP2=s3; TP3=s3-(2*sprd);}
else if ((hrg<s2) && (hrg>m0)) {TP1=m0; TP2=s3; TP3=s3-(2*sprd);}
else if ((hrg==m0)) {TP1=s3; TP2=s3-(2*sprd); TP3=s3-(3*sprd);}
else if ((hrg<m0) && (hrg>s3)) {TP1=s3; TP2=s3-(2*sprd); TP3=s3-(3*sprd);}
else if ((hrg==s3)) {TP1=s3-(2*sprd); TP2=s3-(3*sprd); TP3=s3-(4*sprd);}
else if ((hrg<s3)) {TP1=s3-(2*sprd); TP2=s3-(3*sprd); TP3=s3-(4*sprd);}
Periode = Period(); tPeriode ="";
switch (Periode)
case 1 : tPeriode = "M1";break;
case 5 : tPeriode = "M5";break;
case 15 : tPeriode = "M15"; break;
case 30 : tPeriode = "M30"; break;
case 60 : tPeriode = "H1";break;
case 240 : tPeriode = "H4";break;
case 1440: tPeriode = "D1";break;
case 10080 : tPeriode = "W1";break;
case 43200 : tPeriode = "MN1"; break;
if (OpenStatus=="NO TRADE")
Write("TPMS011", Jendela, Pojok, tpX, tpY+198, "PLEASE WAIT !!!", 7, "Arial", Info_Color);
Write("TPMS021", Jendela, Pojok, tpX, tpY+198, OpenStatus+" TP1="+ DoubleToStr(TP1, Digits), 9, "Arial Narrow", TP1_color);
Write("TPMS031", Jendela, Pojok, tpX, tpY+210, OpenStatus+" TP2="+ DoubleToStr(TP2, Digits), 9, "Arial Narrow", TP2_color);
//Write_SW("TPSU01", 0, 110, 6, Symbol() + " " + tPeriode + " Open Status " + OpenStatus, 10, "Arial", TextColor);
//Write_SW("TPSU02", 0, 320, 6, "TP1 = " + DoubleToStr(TP1, Digits), 10, "Arial", TP1_color);
//Write_SW("TPSU03", 0, 410, 6, "TP2 = " + DoubleToStr(TP2, Digits), 10, "Arial", TP2_color);
//Write_SW("TPSU04", 0, 500, 6, "TP3 = " + DoubleToStr(TP3, Digits), 10, "Arial", TP3_color);
Draw_H_Line("TPMS051",TP1, TP1_color);
Label_H_Line("TPMS061", TP1, " TP1 ", TP1_color);
Draw_H_Line("TPMS071",TP2, TP2_color);
Label_H_Line("TPMS081", TP2, " TP2 ", TP2_color);
//Draw_H_Line("TPSMS091",TP3, TP3_color);
//Label_H_Line("TPMS101", TP3, " TP3 ", TP3_color);
//Write("OpPos", Jendela, Pojok, jX+00, jY+198, "BUY TP1=8.8888", 7, "Arial", Info_Color);
// Write Procedure
void Write(string LBL, int window, double side, int pos_x, int pos_y, string text, int fontsize, string fontname, color Tcolor=CLR_NONE)
ObjectCreate(LBL, OBJ_LABEL, window, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(LBL, OBJPROP_CORNER, side);
ObjectSetText(LBL,text, fontsize, fontname, Tcolor);
// Draw_H_Line Procedure
void Draw_H_Line(string Label_name, double Position, color Line_color)
ObjectCreate(Label_name, OBJ_HLINE,0, CurTime(), Position);
ObjectSet(Label_name, OBJPROP_COLOR, Line_color);
ObjectSet(Label_name, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
ObjectSet(Label_name, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
// Label_H_Line Procedure
void Label_H_Line (string LabelLine, double Pos_Label, string Text_Label, color Label_color)
if (ObjectFind(LabelLine) != 0)
ObjectCreate(LabelLine, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time, Pos_Label);
ObjectSetText(LabelLine, Text_Label, 9, "Verdana", Label_color);
ObjectMove(LabelLine, 0, Time, Pos_Label);
} 本帖最后由 liuqianshuai 于 2024-5-21 04:34 编辑
liuqianshuai 发表于 2024-5-21 04:33
麻烦把源码发一下 liuqianshuai 发表于 2024-5-21 04:33
黄色区域不分的显示内容 影响观感,做个隐藏,然后 源码发一下。会追加金币哦。 张玲 发表于 2024-5-21 09:27
图中 显示的内容影响 观感,可以把它隐藏起来吗