- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Phase Adaptive_v1.0 600+.mq4 |
- //| Copyright © 2016, TrendLaboratory |
- //| http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TrendLaboratory |
- //| E-mail: igorad2003@yahoo.co.uk |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- #property copyright "Copyright © 2016, TrendLaboratory"
- #property link "http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TrendLaboratory"
- #property link "http://newdigital-world.com/forum.php"
- #property indicator_separate_window
- #property indicator_buffers 1
- #property indicator_color1 clrDeepSkyBlue
- #property indicator_width1 2
- #property indicator_level1 90
- #property indicator_level2 180
- #property indicator_level3 270
- #property indicator_minimum 0
- #property indicator_maximum 360
- {
- close, // Close
- open, // Open
- high, // High
- low, // Low
- median, // Median
- typical, // Typical
- weightedClose, // Weighted Close
- heikenAshiClose, // Heiken Ashi Close
- heikenAshiOpen, // Heiken Ashi Open
- heikenAshiHigh, // Heiken Ashi High
- heikenAshiLow, // Heiken Ashi Low
- heikenAshiMedian, // Heiken Ashi Median
- heikenAshiTypical, // Heiken Ashi Typical
- heikenAshiWeighted // Heiken Ashi Weighted Close
- };
- #define pi 3.14159265358979323846
- //---- input parameters
- input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame = 0; // Timeframe
- input ENUM_PRICE Price = 0; // Price
- input double CyclePeriod = 15; // Cycle Period Ratio
- input bool AdaptiveModeOn = false; // Adaptive Mode On/Off
- input double Alpha = 0.07; // Cycle Smoothing Factor(eg. 0.07)
- input int MedianPeriod = 5; // Period of Moving Median
- input int DCsmooth = 5; // Period of Dominant Cycle Smoothing
- //---- buffers
- double phase[];
- double iprice[];
- int timeframe, draw_begin;
- string TF, IndicatorName;
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator initialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int init()
- {
- timeframe = TimeFrame;
- if(timeframe <= Period()) timeframe = Period();
- TF = tf(timeframe);
- IndicatorDigits(5);
- //---- indicators
- IndicatorBuffers(2);
- SetIndexBuffer(0, phase); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE);
- SetIndexBuffer(1,iprice);
- //----
- IndicatorName = WindowExpertName();
- IndicatorShortName(IndicatorName+"["+TF+"]("+Price+","+DoubleToStr(CyclePeriod,2)+")");
- SetIndexLabel(0,"Phase");
- //----
- draw_begin = MathMax(2,Bars - iBars(NULL,timeframe)*timeframe/Period() + 50);
- SetIndexDrawBegin(0,draw_begin);
- return(0);
- }
- int deinit()
- {
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Phase Adaptive_v1.0 600+ |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int start()
- {
- int shift, limit, counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
- //----
- if(counted_bars > 0) limit = Bars - counted_bars - 1;
- if(counted_bars < 0) return(0);
- if(counted_bars < 1)
- {
- limit = Bars - 1;
- for(int i=limit;i>=0;i--)
- {
- phase[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
- }
- }
- if(timeframe != Period())
- {
- limit = MathMax(limit,timeframe/Period());
- for(shift = 0;shift < limit;shift++)
- {
- int y = iBarShift(NULL,timeframe,Time[shift]);
- phase[shift] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,IndicatorName,0,Price,CyclePeriod,AdaptiveModeOn,Alpha,MedianPeriod,DCsmooth,0,y);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- else _adaptivePhase(limit);
- //----
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- void _adaptivePhase(int limit)
- {
- double ;
- for(int shift=limit;shift>=0;shift--)
- {
- if(Price <= 6) iprice[shift] = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,(int)Price,shift);
- else
- if(Price > 6 && Price <= 13) iprice[shift] = HeikenAshi(0,(int)Price-7,shift);
- if(AdaptiveModeOn)
- {
- double cyclelen = cyclePeriod(iprice,Alpha,MedianPeriod,DCsmooth,shift);
- int domcycle = MathMax(1,MathFloor(CyclePeriod*cyclelen));
- }
- else domcycle = MathMax(1,MathFloor(CyclePeriod));
- double realPart = 0;
- double imagPart = 0;
- for(int i=0;i<domcycle;i++)
- {
- if(domcycle > 0)
- {
- double weight = iprice[shift+i];
- realPart += MathCos(2*pi*i/domcycle)*weight;
- imagPart += MathSin(2*pi*i/domcycle)*weight;
- }
- }
- if(MathAbs(realPart) > 0.001) phase[shift] = MathArctan(imagPart/realPart); else phase[shift] = 0.5*pi*Sign(imagPart);
- if(realPart < 0) phase[shift] = phase[shift] + pi;
- phase[shift] = phase[shift] + pi/2;
- if(phase[shift] < 0) phase[shift] = phase[shift] + 2*pi;
- if(phase[shift] > 2*pi) phase[shift] = phase[shift] - 2*pi;
- phase[shift] = 180*phase[shift]/pi;
- }
- }
- double Sign(double value)
- {
- if(value > 0) return( 1);
- if(value < 0) return(-1);
- return(0);
- }
- double DeltaPhase[], aPrice[4], smooth[3], cycle[7], Q1[2], I1[2], iPeriod[2], cPeriod[4];
- datetime prevcptime;
- double cyclePeriod(double& price[],double alpha,int median,int dcsmooth,int bar)
- {
- double DC, MedianDelta = 0;
- if(ArraySize(DeltaPhase) != Bars)
- {
- ArraySetAsSeries(DeltaPhase,false);
- ArrayResize(DeltaPhase,Bars);
- ArraySetAsSeries(DeltaPhase,true);
- }
- if(prevcptime != Time[bar])
- {
- for(int i=6;i>=1;i--)
- {
- cycle[i] = cycle[i-1];
- if(i < 4)
- {
- aPrice[i] = aPrice[i-1];
- cPeriod[i] = cPeriod[i-1];
- }
- if(i < 3) smooth[i] = smooth[i-1];
- }
- I1[1] = I1[0];
- Q1[1] = Q1[0];
- iPeriod[1] = iPeriod[0];
- prevcptime = Time[bar];
- }
- aPrice[0] = price[bar];
- if(bar < Bars - 3) smooth[0] = (aPrice[0] + 2*aPrice[1] + 2*aPrice[2] + aPrice[3])/6;
- cycle[0] = (1 - 0.5*alpha)*(1 - 0.5*alpha)*(smooth[0] - 2*smooth[1] + smooth[2]) + 2*(1-alpha)*cycle[1] - (1-alpha)*(1-alpha)*cycle[2];
- if(bar > Bars - 7) cycle[0] = (aPrice[0] - 2*aPrice[1] + aPrice[2])/4;
- Q1[0] = (0.0962*cycle[0] + 0.5769*cycle[2] - 0.5769*cycle[4] - 0.0962*cycle[6])*(0.5 + 0.08*iPeriod[1]);
- I1[0] = cycle[3];
- if(bar < Bars- median)
- {
- if(Q1[0] != 0 && Q1[1] != 0) DeltaPhase[bar] = (I1[0]/Q1[0] - I1[1]/Q1[1])/(1 + I1[0]*I1[1]/(Q1[0]*Q1[1]));
- if(DeltaPhase[bar] < 0.1) DeltaPhase[bar] = 0.1;
- if(DeltaPhase[bar] > 1.1) DeltaPhase[bar] = 1.1;
- MedianDelta = MedianOnArray(DeltaPhase,median,bar);
- if(MedianDelta == 0) DC = 15; else DC = 6.28318/MedianDelta + 0.5;
- iPeriod[0] = 0.33*DC + (1 - 2.0/(dcsmooth + 1))*iPeriod[1];
- cPeriod[0] = 0.15*iPeriod[0] + 0.85*cPeriod[1];
- }
- if(cPeriod[3] == 0) return(0);
- return(cPeriod[0]);
- }
- double MedianOnArray(double& price[],int per,int bar)
- {
- double median, array[];
- ArrayResize(array,per);
- for(int i=0;i<per;i++) array[i] = price[bar+i];
- ArraySort(array,WHOLE_ARRAY,0,MODE_DESCEND);
- int num = (int)MathRound((per - 1)*0.5);
- if(MathMod(per,2) > 0) median = array[num]; else median = 0.5*(array[num] + array[num+1]);
- return(median);
- }
- // HeikenAshi Price
- double haClose[2][2], haOpen[2][2], haHigh[2][2], haLow[2][2];
- datetime prevhatime[2];
- double HeikenAshi(int index,int price,int bar)
- {
- if(prevhatime[index] != Time[bar])
- {
- haClose[index][1] = haClose[index][0];
- haOpen [index][1] = haOpen [index][0];
- haHigh [index][1] = haHigh [index][0];
- haLow [index][1] = haLow [index][0];
- prevhatime[index] = Time[bar];
- }
- if(bar == Bars - 1)
- {
- haClose[index][0] = Close[bar];
- haOpen [index][0] = Open [bar];
- haHigh [index][0] = High [bar];
- haLow [index][0] = Low [bar];
- }
- else
- {
- haClose[index][0] = (Open[bar] + High[bar] + Low[bar] + Close[bar])/4;
- haOpen [index][0] = (haOpen[index][1] + haClose[index][1])/2;
- haHigh [index][0] = MathMax(High[bar],MathMax(haOpen[index][0],haClose[index][0]));
- haLow [index][0] = MathMin(Low [bar],MathMin(haOpen[index][0],haClose[index][0]));
- }
- switch(price)
- {
- case 0: return(haClose[index][0]); break;
- case 1: return(haOpen [index][0]); break;
- case 2: return(haHigh [index][0]); break;
- case 3: return(haLow [index][0]); break;
- case 4: return((haHigh[index][0] + haLow[index][0])/2); break;
- case 5: return((haHigh[index][0] + haLow[index][0] + haClose[index][0])/3); break;
- case 6: return((haHigh[index][0] + haLow[index][0] + 2*haClose[index][0])/4); break;
- default: return(haClose[index][0]); break;
- }
- }
- string tf(int itimeframe)
- {
- string result = "";
- switch(itimeframe)
- {
- case PERIOD_M1: result = "M1" ;
- case PERIOD_M5: result = "M5" ;
- case PERIOD_M15: result = "M15";
- case PERIOD_M30: result = "M30";
- case PERIOD_H1: result = "H1" ;
- case PERIOD_H4: result = "H4" ;
- case PERIOD_D1: result = "D1" ;
- case PERIOD_W1: result = "W1" ;
- case PERIOD_MN1: result = "MN1";
- default: result = "N/A";
- }
- if(result == "N/A")
- {
- if(itimeframe < PERIOD_H1 ) result = "M" + (string)itimeframe;
- if(itimeframe >= PERIOD_H1 ) result = "H" + (string)(itimeframe/PERIOD_H1);
- if(itimeframe >= PERIOD_D1 ) result = "D" + (string)(itimeframe/PERIOD_D1);
- if(itimeframe >= PERIOD_W1 ) result = "W" + (string)(itimeframe/PERIOD_W1);
- if(itimeframe >= PERIOD_MN1) result = "MN" + (string)(itimeframe/PERIOD_MN1);
- }
- return(result);
- }
Phase Adaptive_v1.0 600u.mq4