



avatar tugwei | 9893 人阅读 | 51 人评论 | 2019-01-19

MQL4 Reference. 1
MQL4命令手册... 1
Basics基础... 11
Syntax语法... 11
Comments注释... 11
Identifiers标识符... 11
Reserved words保留字... 11
Data types数据类型... 12
Type casting类型转换... 12
Integer constants整数常量... 13
Literal constants字面常量... 13
Boolean constants布尔常量... 14
Floating-point number constants (double)浮点数常量(双精度)    14
String constants字符串常量... 14
Color constants颜色常数... 14
Datetime constants日期时间常数... 15
Operations & Expressions操作表达式... 15
Expressions表达式... 16
Arithmetical operations算术运算... 16
Assignment operation赋值操作... 16
Operations of relation操作关系... 17
Boolean operations布尔运算... 17
Bitwise operations位运算... 17
Other operations其他运算... 18
Precedence rules优先规则... 18
Operators操作符... 19
Compound operator复合操作符... 20
Expression operator表达式操作符... 20
Break operator终止操作符... 20
Continue operator继续操作符... 20
Return operator返回操作符... 21
Conditional operator if-else条件操作符... 21
Switch operator跳转操作符... 22
Cycle operator while循环操作符while. 23
Cycle operator for循环操作符for. 23
Functions函数... 24
Function call函数调用... 24
Special functions特殊函数... 25
Variables变量... 25
Local variables局部变量... 26
Formal parameters形式变量... 26
Static variables静态变量... 27
Global variables全局变量... 28
Defining extern variables外部定义变量... 28
Initialization of variables初始化变量... 28
External functions definition外部函数的定义... 29
Preprocessor预处理... 29
Constant declaration常量声明... 30
Controlling compilation编译控制... 30
Including of files包含文件... 31
Importing of functions导入功能... 31
Standard constants标准常数... 33
Series arrays系列数组... 33
Timeframes图表周期时间... 33
Trade operations交易操作... 34
Price constants价格常数... 34
MarketInfo市场信息识别符... 34
Drawing styles画线风格... 35
Arrow codes预定义箭头... 36
Wingdings宋体... 37
Web colors颜色常数... 38
Indicator lines指标线... 39
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. 39
Moving Average methods移动平均方法... 39
MessageBox信息箱... 40
Object types对象类型... 41
Object properties对象属性... 42
Object visibility. 43
Uninitialize reason codes撤销初始化原因代码... 44
Special constants特别常数... 44
Error codes错误代码... 44
Predefined variables预定义变量... 48
Ask最新卖价... 48
Bars柱数... 48
Bid最新买价... 48
Close[]收盘价... 49
Digits汇率小数位... 49
High[]最高价... 49
Low[]最低价... 50
Open[]开盘价... 51
Point点值... 51
Time[]开盘时间... 51
Volume[]成交量... 52
Program Run程序运行... 54
Program Run程序运行... 54
Imported functions call输入函数调用... 55
Runtime errors运行错误... 55
Account information账户信息... 66
AccountBalance( )账户余额... 66
AccountCredit( )账户信用点数... 66
AccountCompany( )账户公司名... 66
AccountCurrency( )基本货币... 66
AccountEquity( )账户资产净值... 66
AccountFreeMargin( )账户免费保证金... 67
AccountFreeMarginCheck()账户当前价格自由保证金... 67
AccountFreeMarginMode( )账户免费保证金模式... 67
AccountLeverage( )账户杠杆... 67
AccountMargin( )账户保证金... 68
AccountName( )账户名称... 68
AccountNumber( )账户数字... 68
AccountProfit( )账户利润... 68
AccountServer( )账户连接服务器... 68
AccountStopoutLevel( )账户停止水平值... 68
AccountStopoutMode( )账户停止返回模式... 69
Array functions数组函数... 70
ArrayBsearch()数组搜索... 70
ArrayCopy()数组复制... 70
ArrayCopyRates()数组复制走势... 71
ArrayCopySeries()数组复制系列走势... 72
ArrayDimension()返回数组维数... 73
ArrayGetAsSeries()返回数组序列... 73
ArrayInitialize()数组初始化... 73
ArrayIsSeries()判断数组连续... 73
ArrayMaximum()数组最大值定位... 74
ArrayMinimum()数组最小值定位... 74
ArrayRange()返回数组指定维数数量... 74
ArrayResize()改变数组维数... 75
ArraySetAsSeries()设定系列数组... 75
ArraySize()返回数组项目数... 75
ArraySort()数组排序... 76
Checkup检查... 77
GetLastError( )返回最后错误... 77
IsConnected( )返回联机状态... 77
IsDemo( )返回模拟账户... 77
IsDllsAllowed( )返回dll允许调用... 78
IsExpertEnabled( )返回智能交易开启状态... 78
IsLibrariesAllowed( )返回数据库函数调用... 78
IsOptimization( )返回策略测试中优化模式... 79
IsStopped( )返回终止业务... 79
IsTesting( )返回测试模式状态... 79
IsTradeAllowed( )返回允许智能交易... 79
IsTradeContextBusy( )返回其他智能交易忙... 79
IsVisualMode( )返回智能交易“图片模式”... 80
UninitializeReason( )返回智能交易初始化原因... 80
Client terminal客户端信息... 81
TerminalCompany( )返回客户端所属公司... 81
TerminalName( )返回客户端名称... 81
TerminalPath( )返回客户端文件路径... 81
Common functions常规命令函数... 82
Alert弹出警告窗口... 82
Comment显示信息在走势图左上角... 82
GetTickCount获取时间标记... 82
MarketInfo在市场观察窗口返回不同数据保证金列表... 83
MessageBox创建信息窗口... 83
PlaySound播放声音... 83
Print窗口中显示文本... 84
SendFTP设置FTP. 84
SendMail设置Email 85
Sleep指定的时间间隔内暂停交易业务... 85
Conversion functions格式转换函数... 86
CharToStr字符转换成字符串... 86
DoubleToStr双精度浮点转换成字符串... 86
NormalizeDouble给出环绕浮点值的精确度... 86
StrToDouble字符串型转换成双精度浮点型... 87
StrToInteger字符串型转换成整型... 87
StrToTime字符串型转换成时间型... 87
TimeToStr时间类型转换为 "yyyy.mm.dd hh:mi"格式... 87
Custom indicators自定义指标... 89
IndicatorBuffers. 89
IndicatorCounted. 90
IndicatorDigits. 90
IndicatorShortName. 91
SetIndexArrow.. 92
SetIndexBuffer. 92
SetIndexDrawBegin. 93
SetIndexEmptyValue. 93
SetIndexLabel 94
SetIndexShift 95
SetIndexStyle. 96
SetLevelStyle. 96
SetLevelValue. 97
Date & Time functions日期时间函数... 98
Day. 98
DayOfWeek. 98
DayOfYear. 98
Hour. 98
Minute. 99
Month. 99
Seconds. 99
TimeCurrent 99
TimeDay. 99
TimeDayOfWeek. 100
TimeDayOfYear. 100
TimeHour. 100
TimeLocal 100
TimeMinute. 101
TimeMonth. 101
TimeSeconds. 101
TimeYear. 101
Year. 101
File functions文件函数... 103
FileClose关闭文件... 103
FileDelete删除文件... 103
FileFlush将缓存中的数据刷新到磁盘上去... 104
FileIsEnding文件结尾... 104
FileIsLineEnding. 104
FileOpen打开文件... 105
FileOpenHistory历史目录中打开文件... 105
FileReadArray将二进制文件读取到数组中... 106
FileReadDouble从文件中读取浮点型数据... 106
FileReadInteger从当前二进制文件读取整形型数据... 107
FileReadNumber. 107
FileReadString从当前文件位置读取字串符... 108
FileSeek文件指针移动... 108
FileSize文件大小... 109
FileTell文件指针的当前位置... 109
FileWrite写入文件... 109
FileWriteArray一个二进制文件写入数组... 110
FileWriteDouble一个二进制文件以浮动小数点写入双重值... 111
FileWriteInteger一个二进制文件写入整数值... 111
FileWriteString当前文件位置函数写入一个二进制文件字串符    112
Global variables全局变量... 113
GlobalVariableCheck. 113
GlobalVariableDel 113
GlobalVariableGet 113
GlobalVariableName. 114
GlobalVariableSet 114
GlobalVariableSetOnCondition. 114
GlobalVariablesDeleteAll 115
GlobalVariablesTotal 115
Math & Trig数学和三角函数... 117
MathAbs. 117
MathArccos. 117
MathArcsin. 117
MathArctan. 118
MathCeil 118
MathCos. 118
MathExp. 119
MathFloor. 119
MathLog. 119
MathMax. 120
MathMin. 120
MathMod. 120
MathPow.. 121
MathRand. 121
MathRound. 121
MathSin. 121
MathSqrt 122
MathSrand. 122
MathTan. 123
Object functions目标函数... 124
ObjectCreate建立目标... 124
ObjectDelete删除目标... 125
ObjectDescription目标描述... 125
ObjectFind查找目标... 125
ObjectGet目标属性... 126
ObjectGetFiboDescription斐波纳契描述... 126
ObjectGetShiftByValue. 126
ObjectGetValueByShift 127
ObjectMove移动目标... 127
ObjectName目标名... 127
ObjectsDeleteAll删除所有目标... 128
ObjectSet改变目标属性... 128
ObjectSetFiboDescription改变目标斐波纳契指标... 129
ObjectSetText改变目标说明... 129
ObjectsTotal返回目标总量... 129
ObjectType返回目标类型... 130
String functions字符串函数... 131
StringConcatenate字符串连接... 131
StringFind字符串搜索... 131
StringGetChar字符串指定位置代码... 131
StringLen字符串长度... 132
StringSetChar. 132
StringSubstr提取子字符串... 132
StringTrimLeft. 133
StringTrimRight. 133
Technical indicators技术指标... 134
iAC比尔.威廉斯的加速器或减速箱振荡器... 134
iAD离散指标... 134
iAlligator比尔・威廉斯的鳄鱼指标... 134
iADX移动定向索引... 135
iATR平均真实范围... 135
iAO比尔.威廉斯的振荡器... 136
iBearsPower熊功率指标... 136
iBands保力加通道技术指标... 136
iBandsOnArray保力加通道指标... 137
iBullsPower牛市指标... 137
iCCI商品通道索引指标... 137
iCCIOnArray商品通道索引指标... 138
iCustom指定的客户指标... 138
iDeMarker. 138
iEnvelopes包络指标... 139
iEnvelopesOnArray包络指标... 139
iForce强力索引指标... 139
iFractals分形索引指标... 140
iGator随机震荡指标... 140
iIchimoku. 141
iBWMFI比尔.威廉斯市场斐波纳契指标... 141
iMomentum动量索引指标... 141
iMomentumOnArray. 142
iMFI资金流量索引指标... 142
iMA移动平均指标... 142
iMAOnArray. 143
iOsMA移动振动平均震荡器指标... 143
iMACD移动平均数汇总/分离指标... 143
iOBV能量潮指标... 144
iSAR抛物线状止损和反转指标... 144
iRSI相对强弱索引指标... 144
iRSIOnArray. 145
iRVI相对活力索引指标... 145
iStdDev标准偏差指标... 145
iStdDevOnArray. 146
iStochastic随机震荡指标... 146
iWPR威廉指标... 147
Timeseries access时间序列图表数据... 148
iBars柱的数量... 148
iBarShift开始时间的柱... 148
iClose. 148
iHigh. 149
iHighest. 149
iLow.. 150
iLowest. 150
iOpen. 150
iTime. 151
iVolume. 151
Trading functions交易函数... 152
Execution errors. 152
OrderClose. 154
OrderCloseBy. 155
OrderClosePrice. 155
OrderCloseTime. 155
OrderComment. 156
OrderCommission. 156
OrderDelete. 156
OrderExpiration. 156
OrderLots. 157
OrderMagicNumber. 157
OrderModify. 157
OrderOpenPrice. 158
OrderOpenTime. 158
OrderPrint. 159
OrderProfit. 159
OrderSelect. 159
OrderSend. 160
OrdersHistoryTotal 161
OrderStopLoss. 161
OrdersTotal 161
OrderSwap. 162
OrderSymbol 162
OrderTakeProfit. 162
OrderTicket. 163
OrderType. 163
Window functions窗口函数... 164
HideTestIndicators隐藏指标... 164
Period使用周期... 164
RefreshRates刷新预定义变量和系列数组的数据... 164
Symbol当前货币对... 165
WindowBarsPerChart可见柱总数... 165
WindowExpertName智能交易系统名称... 166
WindowFind返回名称... 166
WindowFirstVisibleBar第一个可见柱... 166
WindowHandle. 166
WindowIsVisible图表在子窗口中可见... 167
WindowOnDropped. 167
WindowPriceMax. 167
WindowPriceMin. 168
WindowPriceOnDropped. 168
WindowRedraw.. 169
WindowScreenShot. 169
WindowTimeOnDropped. 170
WindowsTotal指标窗口数... 170
WindowXOnDropped. 170
WindowYOnDropped. 170
Obsolete functions过时的函数... 171
MQL4命令中文手册(改).zip 售价: 2 枚金币 (一共需要4个金币)

评论|共 51 个


发表于 2019-1-19 23:26:04 | 显示全部楼层



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