其实能否进入投行还有一个很重要的因素就是timing。市场好的时候,大家都有机会;市场不好的时候,公司裁人都来不及,根本没有headcount来招新人。2012年我入行时,一个高中同学刚进UBS一个月就被裁了。今天的裁员情况同样让整个中环人心惶惶。去年几乎所有欧行都在全球范围内大刀阔斧地裁人,今年HSBC更是实施了global hiring and pay freeze。
Gap year的时候,我重新申请了IBD的实习,拿到了GS的offer,实习后拿到return offer。面试的时候我经常听到的HCM(GS的HR部门)跟我说的一句话就是“We trained you, and we would love to keep you within the firm.” 这就是为什么在一个部门实习会对另一个部门有帮助,因为公司已经对你投入了资源,部门A也对你有足够的认可。
任何的行为面问题,其实都是在翻来覆去的问同样一个问题,那就是“Why are you a good fit?”。这个问题可以以任何的形式出现,但是万变不离其宗,面试官对于候选者的每一个回答,都在评价他/她是否能够符合招聘的标准。对于行为面的问题,我们的目标就是要尽可能的让自己的形象贴合所申请岗位的要求。
举个例子,一个经典的投行面试问题是“What is your biggest failure?”,准备过投行面试的同学们肯定都碰到过这个问题,也肯定被这个问题困扰过。
根据“Why are you a good fit?”的思路,每一个行为面的问题其实都非常好准备了,只要我们弄明白我们想要表达的点,再根据问题去具体构建回答,加入一些有血有肉的细节,质量就非常高了!
Talk me through a time you had to resolve a conflict with someone senior to youWhat do you do if you disagree with a co-worker Tell me through a time you had to make an unpopular decisionTalk me through a time you were working in a team and someone wasn’t pulling their weight.Can you describe a situation where a team did not work as intended? Whose fault was it?Describe a leadership role you have undertaken outside of work. Why did you choose to commit to this role? How did you benefit from this role?Describe the most difficult work team you have had to lead? What made them difficult? How did you go about overcoming the issues? Describe a situation where your leadership could motivate your team to improve their performance. What actions were the most effective?Give a specific example of a time when you had to address an angry customer/co-worker.Tell us about a time when you built rapport quickly with someone under difficult conditions. What, in your opinion, are the key ingredients in guiding and maintaining successful business relationships?Describe a situation when you were able to strengthen a relationship by communicating effectively. What made your communication effective?Describe a situation where you felt you had not communicated well. How did you correct the situation?What is your biggest weakness/area of improvement?What is the most important feedback that someone had given to you?What three words best describe you?
而折现率是与企业或者项目的风险相关,反映的是现金使用的机会成本。计算折现率的方法有很多,比较基础的是用加权平均资本成本(Weighted Average Cost of Capital),也就是我们常说的WACC,是一个债务和权益资金使用成本的加权平均数。其他的常见方法是调整现值法(Adjusted Present Value),找可比公司(Comparable Company)的去杠杆后的权益资金使用成本作为折现率,再对债务所带来的税务抵扣做估值调整即可。