Step = 50; – minimum step between orders
ProfitClose = 1.00; – profit in the currency at which we bite off the averaging
SumProfitClose = 10.00; – profit in the currency at which we close everything
LevelAverag = 300; – distance to the clearing order in points
LotRUL = 0.01;/ / first lot of the clearing (averaging) order
K_Lot = 2.5;/ / increase coefficient of the averaging order
Max_Lot = 100.0;
StartLot = 0.05; – auto
trade lot time filter
TimeStart = 0,
TimeEnd = 24;
OpenDeltaPercent = 80; – percentage of the maximum Delta at which the first positions are opened
MagicPlus = 0; – addition to the calculated magic
scale = 1.2 ;- size of the information window
Font_Size = 10; – font size
StopLossDelta = false-closing positions with reverse Delta
Volume_adjustment = false – adjustment of volume
CAP = false; //close accumulated profit ( CAP) – close part of the market at the expense of accumulated profit
LossPercentCAP = 10 – the percentage at which the CAP is enabled