- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| 3shadeopen.mq4 |
- //| Copyright © 2006, sx ted |
- //| Purpose: shade New York or other sessions for chart time frames |
- //| M1 to H4 (at a push). |
- //| version: 2 - enhanced for speed but with MT4 beeing so fast no |
- //| difference will be noticed, all the sessions are |
- //| shaded in the init(), last session if it is current |
- //| is widened in the start() in lieu of repainting all.|
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- #property copyright "Copyright © 2006, sx ted"
- #property link ""
- #property indicator_chart_window
- //---- input parameters
- extern color ShadeColor=Gold;
- /*
- // if in Moscow
- #define NY_OPEN_HH 17 // NY session open hour
- #define NY_OPEN_MM 30 // NY session open minutes
- #define NY_CLOSE_HH 00 // NY session close hour
- #define NY_CLOSE_MM 05 // NY session close minutes
- */
- /* if in London
- #define NY_OPEN_HH 14 // NY session open hour
- #define NY_OPEN_MM 30 // NY session open minutes
- #define NY_CLOSE_HH 21 // NY session close hour
- #define NY_CLOSE_MM 05 // NY session close minutes
- */
- // if in New York
- #define NY_OPEN_HH 06 // NY session open hour
- #define NY_OPEN_MM 30 // NY session open minutes
- #define NY_CLOSE_HH 13 // NY session close hour
- #define NY_CLOSE_MM 05 // NY session close minutes
- #define MAX_DAYS_TO_SHADE 5 // maximum number of days back from last chart date to be shaded
- //---- global variables to program
- string obj[]; //array of object names
- int iPrevious=0, iStart=-1, iEnd;
- double dLow, dHigh;
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator initialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int init()
- {
- if(Period()>PERIOD_H4) return(0); // no shading required
- int iMaxBarsOnChart=iBars(NULL,0), i, iBarDay, iBarTime;
- // find approximate start of first day to shade
- int iBarsToDo=MathMin((MAX_DAYS_TO_SHADE*PERIOD_D1)/Period(),iMaxBarsOnChart);
- // find start of first day to shade
- for(i=iBarsToDo; i<iMaxBarsOnChart; i++)
- {
- iBarDay=TimeYear(Time[i])*PERIOD_MN1*12+TimeMonth(Time[i])*PERIOD_MN1+TimeDay(Time[i])*PERIOD_D1;
- iBarTime=iBarDay+TimeHour(Time[i])*60+TimeMinute(Time[i]);
- if(iBarTime>=iBarDay+NY_OPEN_HH*60+NY_OPEN_MM && iBarTime<=iBarDay+NY_CLOSE_HH*60+NY_CLOSE_MM) iStart=i;
- else if(iStart>-1) break;
- }
- if(iStart>-1) iBarsToDo=iStart;
- iStart=-1;
- // shade previous sessions and current session if started
- for(i=iBarsToDo; i>=0; i--)
- {
- iBarDay=TimeYear(Time[i])*PERIOD_MN1*12+TimeMonth(Time[i])*PERIOD_MN1+TimeDay(Time[i])*PERIOD_D1;
- iBarTime=iBarDay+TimeHour(Time[i])*60+TimeMinute(Time[i]);
- if(iBarTime>=iBarDay+NY_OPEN_HH*60+NY_OPEN_MM && iBarTime<=iBarDay+NY_CLOSE_HH*60+NY_CLOSE_MM)
- {
- if(iBarDay==iPrevious) // current NY session
- {
- dLow =MathMin(dLow, Low[i]);
- dHigh=MathMax(dHigh, High[i]);
- }
- else // new NY session
- {
- dLow=Low[i];
- dHigh=High[i];
- iStart=i;
- iPrevious=iBarDay;
- }
- iEnd=i;
- }
- else if(iStart>-1)
- {
- PaintRectangle();
- iStart=-1;
- }
- }
- if(iStart>-1) PaintRectangle(); // paint the last one if session not closed
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int deinit()
- {
- int iaCount=ArraySize(obj);
- for(int i=0; i<iaCount; i++)
- {
- if(ObjectFind(obj[i])>-1) ObjectDelete(obj[i]);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator iteration function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int start()
- {
- int i=0, iBarDay, iBarTime;
- iBarDay=TimeYear(Time[i])*PERIOD_MN1*12+TimeMonth(Time[i])*PERIOD_MN1+TimeDay(Time[i])*PERIOD_D1;
- iBarTime=iBarDay+TimeHour(Time[i])*60+TimeMinute(Time[i]);
- if(iBarTime>=iBarDay+NY_OPEN_HH*60+NY_OPEN_MM && iBarTime<=iBarDay+NY_CLOSE_HH*60+NY_CLOSE_MM)
- {
- if(iBarDay==iPrevious) // current NY session
- {
- dLow =MathMin(dLow, Low[i]);
- dHigh=MathMax(dHigh, High[i]);
- }
- else // new NY session
- {
- dLow=Low[i];
- dHigh=High[i];
- iStart=i;
- iPrevious=iBarDay;
- }
- iEnd=i;
- PaintRectangle();
- }
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Paint rectangle |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- void PaintRectangle()
- {
- string sObj="ShadeNY_"+DoubleToStr(iPrevious, 0); // name for the object
- if(ObjectFind(sObj)>-1)
- {
- // current session object found, so just widen it
- ObjectSet(sObj,OBJPROP_PRICE1,dLow-Point);
- ObjectSet(sObj,OBJPROP_TIME2 ,Time[iEnd]);
- ObjectSet(sObj,OBJPROP_PRICE2,dHigh+Point);
- }
- else
- {
- // otherwise create new object for the session
- int iaCount=ArraySize(obj);
- ArrayResize(obj, iaCount+1);
- obj[iaCount]=sObj;
- ObjectCreate(sObj,OBJ_RECTANGLE,0,Time[iStart],dLow-Point,Time[iEnd],dHigh+Point);
- ObjectSet(sObj,OBJPROP_COLOR,ShadeColor);
- }
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+